Guest Review: Ghostman by Roger Hobbs
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / February 26, 2013

For an interesting book that can suck you in, “Ghostman” by Roger Hobbs can easily eat any available time you may have. If you like crime stories, this novel involves the classic casino heist with an added twist. The heist doesn’t really go as planned and a man simply known as ‘Jack’ is called upon to help. It’s a fun novel that has everything you could want in a crime story, and Roger Hobbs delivers a well written and hard to put down book. Buy this book in paper or in elec­tronic format* 1. Flashbacks – The book is written using a style of flashback that is easy to follow. These glimpses of the past happen five years prior to the current events of the novel and could stand apart from the book itself. Many times, authors try to engage the reader with character building flashbacks that usually end up confusing them. That confusion is simply not present in “Ghostman.” 2. Unique Characterization – The character of ‘Jack’ is developed very well and is easy to visualize. Being a master of disguises, ‘Jack’ can change his appearance to become virtually anyone he wishes. Roger Hobbs has done a masterful job at detailing these…

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