The Annual (and Lame) Manly Holiday Gift Guide
Latest Posts / November 22, 2012

Thank you all for visiting my blog, you make everyday bright with your comments and support. For the hubby who puts on his plaid shirt while watching reality “manly” shows : And Now We Shall Do Manly Things by Craig J. Heimbuch For the friendly neighborhood geek who loves stuff that you don’t understand, want nothing to do with and already has everything: Tarzan The Centennial Celebration by Scott Tracy Griffin For the music lover who insists that books are “lame”: Randy Bachman’s Vinyl Tap Stories For the trivia lover that can name all James Bond movies in order when woken up from sound sleep at 3 AM: The Music of James Bond by Jon Burlingame For the father who secretly wanted to be a history teacher and practices the profession during dinner: The Liberator by Alex Kershaw For the wife of father above who can’t stand history books but wants to be able to prove her husband wrong at some point: Princess Elizabeth’s Spy by Susan Elia MacNeal For the musical fanatic who is forced to switch his t-shirt and jeans in order to wear a suite to the office: Conversations with Jimmy Page by Brad Tolinski For your…

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