Book Bloggers Appreciation Week – Day 1
Latest Posts / September 10, 2012

It is Book Blogger Appreciation Week – it’s a nice event which I participated in last year and somehow totally missed the “heads up” on it this year. Today discussion, titled “Appreciation” is to share a few blogs which you follow and enjoy. Image from Below are several blogs which I follow, enjoy and have posted in the past week. I follow many more and enjoy almost all of them. At the beginning of my blogging days, following was a quid pro quo activity, and at some level it still is today, but now I know which blogs I enjoy, which bloggers have the same taste as I do (in order to add for my never ending “to read” list), and which bloggers I disagree with which makes some good bookish discussions. Without further ado, here is the list in alphabetical order: At Home with Books – The Children’s War – Crazy for Books – Gently Mad – Lit and Life – My Reader’s Block – Reading in Taiwan – Wordsmithonia – There are many more of course…. Zohar – Man of la Book

Book Review: The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / September 10, 2012

Twelve year old Hugo shoulders a lot of responsibility for his age. His parents are dead and his caretaker is his drunkard uncle, tender to the train station’s clocks, which one day simply disappears.

Son of a watchmaker, Hugo who loves to tinker with mechanical toys takes it upon himself to maintain the clocks while hiding in the hidden world of the train station. One day he finds an automaton, a mechanical man, which was cherished by his late father. Hugo restores the toy using his father’s notebook as a reference, he gets his parts by stealing them from the old man who owns a toy kiosk in the station.

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