Tightwad Tuesday — Free or Affordable eBooks — Graphic Novels
Latest Posts , Tightwad Tuesday / June 26, 2012

It’s Tuesday again. When searching for some good bargains I noticed that Amazon is starting to promoted graphic novels for the Kindle. Personally I haven’t been impressed reading comics on an eReader – what about you? Please note: The prices for the post are cur­rent at the time of the post, please pay atten­tion to make sure they haven’t changed before purchase. Authors: If you’d like your book to be fea­tured on Tight­wad Tues­days please email me. Tumor Chapter 1 by Joshua Hale Fialkov, Noel Tuazon The demon Kane plots his revenge and next attack. While two more worriers are introduced and fight under a gentleman who goes by the name Demon Hunter. Wakan Unwanted Collection (#0-5) by Seth Piper, Lars Schwed Nygård SMOKE AND STEAM AND STEEL AND THUNDER AN ADVENTURE BEGINS, AND A WORLD’S TORN ASUNDER Welcome to Pistonville, Minnesota. It’s December 1870, and the tale of the heroic last black man in America is about to begin. The original full color, 128-page comic ‘Wakan Unwanted’ is collected here including issues #0 to #5: ‘In Ashes’, ‘Pistonville Peace’, ‘A Red Bird’s Plight’, ‘His Master’s Voice’ and ‘Through This Lens (Parts 1 & 2). Soldier Evolution Revolutionary Girl by…

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