Love of Reading
Latest Posts , Opinion / May 14, 2012

I bought The Puppy Place #22: Bella by Ellen Miles (website) as part of the nook Daily Find, which I check out daily…being an owner of a nook. My daughter, 7, loves dogs and have been begging for one for years. One day we’ll get one. Buy this book in paper or in elec­tronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More Books in The Puppy Place series Combined my daughter’s love of dogs, love of reading, price deal and the title of this book which happens to be her nickname, how could I pass it up? I didn’t and I’m glad I bought it. Even though my daughter had an amazing improvement in her reading during first grade (going from level 1 to chapter books and top of her class in mere four months) she brings home books because she “has to” not want to. Of course we make a big deal about books and her reading, but it seems more like a chore. Her school is part of the LINKS program; the students must bring a new book every night and read it with the parents. This is not only important for the children, but has the added benefit of…

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