As we all probably already figured out, the publishing business model is in trouble. With the rising popularity of eBooks as eReaders drop in price what profit is there in retail book selling? Learning their lesson well from the faux pas of the music industry, the publishing world does not want to force consumers to buy the products they want to sell. Rather they would like to supply the products consumers want to buy. By no means will printed books go away anytime soon, but the industry has to look into the future and, frankly, face the inevitable. Book sales have steadily decreased for about a decade while production costs have risen steadily, since for many books both a physical and a digital edition must be produced (even though I don’t understand why, at this age every book is digital first). As the music industry found out that at $0.99 song is less profitable than forcing you to buy a $20 CD, book publishers are also learning that a $9.99 eBook is less profitable than their $25 hardcover sibling. Personally, I have no issue with them making less, no-one is entitled to my money. Yes, Virginia – advertisements in books…