Unbroken Trailer

July 12, 2014

A few years ago I read a wonderful book called Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand I highly recommend the book to everyone.

Check out this trailer below, looks fantastic, hopefully it would do a bit of justice to the story and the man.

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The book is divided into five parts:
Part I — where we meet the juve­nile delin­quent Louis Zam­perini and his fam­ily. Always get­ting in trou­ble for break­ing & enter­ing, fight­ing and steal­ing, Louis finally finds his call­ing on the track and becomes a prodigy in short dis­tance running.

Part II – After a com­mand­ing per­for­mance in the Berlin Olympics, Louis’ dreams of a medal get tar­nished with the events lead­ing to World War II. The ath­lete becomes an air­man. Louis’ crew mates and bud­dies train for bomb­ing mis­sions on their B-24 and even have sev­eral suc­cess­ful runs. Feel­ing lucky to be alive they rejoice every­day until they are forced to go on a res­cue mis­sion (the plane they were given was not air wor­thy) and crash into the Pacific.

Part III — Adrift at sea Louie’, Phil and Mac sur­vive and astound­ing 47 fight­ing sharks, hunger, thirst, heat and cold. They drift 2,000 miles only to become POWs.

Part IV – The sur­vives are sent to the dread­ful island of Kwa­jalein, known as “Exe­cu­tion Island” and unex­pect­edly sent to Yoko­hama, a POW camp. Louie meets his share of sadis­tic POW guards, dis­ease, star­va­tion and slave labor. How­ever the stub­born man lives through the ordeal to the end of the war, all the way home.

Part V — Louie’s home, but the war leaves its scars, both phys­i­cal and emotional.

Epi­logue – What hap­pened to the those men­tioned in the story. A wrap up.

Acknowl­edg­ment– well worth read­ing. The author tells of her research, inter­views and more.

Notes – Cer­tainly worth a glance.

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