The Traitor by Ava Glass is an easy-to-read page turner, with vivid description,Mediterranean ports-of-call, and tension, as danger lurks behind every page
The strong plot in the first half of the book is very enjoyable but loses it in a bizarre second half. I enjoyed it very much even though
Licensed Renewed updates the Bond to the 1980s. The author accomplishes this task seamlessly, finds his own voice, and does not attempt to write it as Fleming
Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy had me going for the majority of it, ended with a predictable whisper – but it was still well worth my reading time
I enjoyed the story very much, the author put in just enough history to make it enjoyable but didn’t dwell on the details to make the narrative drag.
Portrait of an Unknown Woman by Daniel Silva is the 22nd book in the Gabriel Allon series, where the retired Israeli spy is investigating an art forgery ring
I liked the story, it’s solid even if it is predictable, and I enjoyed reading the book, I guess it’s not the Bond I’m used to.
The two childhood friends find themselves on opposite sides of the courtroom, in a showdown that will live its mark on Biloxi for generations to come
My favorite part of Never by Ken Follettwas almost a step-by-step telling of how on-the-ground intelligence impacts national policy
Number One Fan by Meg Elison has many aspects, a fascinating look at worlds that co-exist with me, but which I’ll never be a part of (hopefully).