The author warns about authoritarian uses of technology, but also states that the utopia many leftists envision is only superficial.
An interesting piece of the Cold War, an espionage/cautionary tale of what happens when grey people living in a grey world start believing their own lies
Mitchell’s writing is clear, thoughtful, and well organized, he includes a list of sources from diverse areas, as debt truly is a trap for many Americans
The Good Kings by Kara Cooney analyzes how systems of absolute power traps its citizens to make them believe they work in their best interests.
Mr. Gates talks about transforming large organizations from the inside. He has previously been Directory of the CIA, president of Texas A & M, as well as SecDef
Mrs. McBride converted to Christianity, her son had no idea that she was Caucasian not just “light skinned”. Discovering that he is half-white was a revelation
Not only it is about the space program, but also about bright people preserving and making a name for themselves through education and smarts.
Even operations that seem mundane, such as smuggling out of the Soviet Union of Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech gets an air of reverence and complexity
Far from Zion is a non-fiction account of the author’s search for his identity. In his search Mr. London goes far and wide looking for Jews in diaspora.
Journalist Joseph Braude has spent several months embedded in a Moroccan police precinct in Casablanca, following drug cartels, al-Qaeda cells, and more