Mr. Bennett goes a step further in this book when it comes to communication. talking is not needed, people are connected working as one entity for one goal
This is a short book, a novella, with a lot to say. The interviewer in this book seem to ask questions she cares about, different from other reporters.
Sheriff Quinn Colson of Tibbehah County has a strange case on his hand. TJ Byrd, a teenage girl, insists she didn’t kill her mother and Colson believes her.
The novel is strongest in its depiction of the day-to-day living with a person suffering from Alzheimer’s. An undignified way to slowly die for those affected.
The Apocalypse Seven by Gene Doucette tells of seven people wake up one morning and slowly realize the rest of humanity has simply vanished.
The sci-fi story Shorefall,expands on world building, societies, and technologies, questions what the author created, exploring politics, faith, and humanity.
The Volunteer by Salvatore Scibona tells of young boy is stranded at Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel Airport in 2010. He speaks no German, it seems as if he was abandoned
Four scientist invented time travel in 1967, however one of them suffers a breakdown and the other three exile her fearing she would jeopardize the project.
Breach by W.L. Goodwater is a novel taking place in the aftermath of World War II, where the remaining powers fight with magic as well as conventional means.
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett a smart novel in a complex world where humans can tap the consciousness of objects convincing them that they are different