Graphic Novel Review: Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King

April 23, 2018

Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King (illustrated by David Finch) finishes up the Bane story in the Batman Rebirth line. This graphic novel collects Batman #16-20, 23-24, and Annual #1 Story.

  • 176 pages
  • Publisher:DC Comics
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1401271316

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My rating for Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane5
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The graphic novelBatman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King (illustrated by David Finch) brings the storyline to an exciting end when Bane launches an all out assault on Gotham. Tom King is quickly becoming one of my favorite comic book writers working today.

The story is easy to follow, exciting, and the art work is solid, making the whole cast looking remarkable throughout. There is a stylistic break during the Swamp Thing story, but it fits very well and I didn’t mind it.

Tom King is making his own Batman, taking advantage of the character’s history, weaknesses, flaws and, of course, his strength. He handles Bane very well, making him a villain which resides on the same side of the coin of the hero he is fighting. Mr. King enjoys elevating Batman in his element, and feels glee taking Bruce Wayne out of his, for example joining the “Robins” for lunch at a fast food restaurant, eating his hamburger with a fork and knife.

Not only did I enjoy the Bane story, but there are interludes with a continuation of the romance between Bruce Wayne‘s Batman and Selina Kyle‘s Catwoman, as well as a tragic revenge story with Batman and Swamp Thing, and a most excellent cheesy story reintroducing Ace the Bat-Hound. A very rare occurrence when I truly enjoy everything a graphic novel has to offer even thought it does not follow the same story.

After the events ofBatman, Vol 2: I Am Suicide, when Batman invaded Bane’s home, the muscular villain is returning a favor and is coming to Gotham. The only thing Bane wants to is to break Batman for the last time, but first he must destroy everything that makes Bruce Wayne the Batman, good and evil.

In his quest to get Psycho Pirate, who can address the pain his venom causing him, Bane destroys Batman’s allies and foes until his final match with Bruce Wayne.

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got borrowed this book from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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