Book Review: Broken Angel by S.W. Vaughn

March 9, 2013
Article first published asBook Review:Broken Angelby S.W. Vaughnon Blogcritics.

Broken Angel by S.W. Vaughn is a fictional book taking place in NYC’s underground street fighting scenes. This is the first book in a the House Phoenix series but can be read as a standalone.

  • 290 pages
  • Publisher: Lyrical Press, Inc
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1616501618

Book Review Broken Angel by S.W. Vaughn

My rat­ing for Broken Angel4

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More Books by S.W. Vaughn

Broken Angel by S.W. Vaughn (website | @SWVaughn) was an unexpected surprise. I started to read it and found myself being engrossed in the story and characters. The book explodes with violence which works great with the theme of professional street fighting tournaments.

Despite the gratuitous violence and torture scenes, I found the novel compelling. The plot is well drawn, the characters are interesting and engaging and the narrative full with enough detail to draw the reader into its world.

The book has several twists which the astute reader probably guessed ahead of time. The descriptive fights with all the smells, blood and sweat are excellent, while the protagonist if certainly not the underdog type we all enjoy rooting for, he does rise from the bottom to the top in a fast and furious way planting destruction and mayhem along the way.

Broken Angel is an unapologetic book that moves at a furious pace with intriguing characters living on the fringes of society. One of the strengths of the book is the supporting characters, most of them intriguing, strong and with enough mystery to support the rest of the series.

Gabriel Morgan’s sister disappeared and he’ll do anything to save her. Finally Gabriel found her working as a high class prostitute in New York City’s underground society.

Marcus Slade, the head of an organization running street fighters and hookers, will let her go for ten million dollars which Gabriel has to earn through fighting. Forced into a brutal training program Gabriel is given an new persona, Angel, and becomes a fighter for Slade’s organization until his sister’s ransom is paid off.

Buy this book inpaperor inelec­tronic(free at the time of this post) format*

More Books by S.W. Vaughn

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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  • Cca177181361a7b6b8ed0cf88329adef
    SaraMarch 9, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    This book sounds really good, thanks for the giveaway!!

  • A15655a65a6990b8966e1cadeda793ec
    Margaret MillenMarch 9, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    Wow this sounds like a great book and the beginning of a great series. Thanks so much for the chance to win this giveaway. I look forward to reading the first book.

  • 3f1247323d24c172e4182e26c7fb68be
    Meghan StithMarch 10, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  • B208b9180b4f378ee02385f53b4bad87
    SageMarch 10, 2013 at 5:58 pm

    I read this book and I loved it !!!! A great book .i recomended it to many friends I plan on reading the rest of the series I hope who ever wins this enjoys it as much as I did

  • 32c80cb2f381569e60aed8dd6e8e63a7
    lorrie zielinskiMarch 13, 2013 at 12:51 am

    Oh I would love to win this.. What a great giveaway

  • B1379a042a8b3d7b034e0e3418c0ba22
    Nancy pintinalliMarch 14, 2013 at 8:49 pm

    I have been an avid since I was able to hold a book. I have read all types, in all genres and this set sounds very interesting , something I could really get into. Thank you for this great giveaway.

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