Fun Facts Friday: Sidney Kingsley

October 22, 2021

Sidney Kingsley (22 October, 1906 – 20 March, 1995) was a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, as well as an actor.

Fun Facts Friday: Sidney Kingsley
Plays by Sidney Kingsley*

Fun Facts about Sidney Kingsley:

  1. Sidney Kirschner was born in New York. He began to write while attending Cornell University’s dramatic club.
  2. The Group Theatre produced his first major work, Men in White, in 1933. The subject was abortion.
  3. In 1934 Men in White won the Pulitzer Prize in Drama.
  4. On July 25, 1939 Sidney Kingsley married stage and screen actress Madge Evans. The couple stayed married until her death in 1981, and lived in Oakland, NJ.
  5. Even though he served as a lieutenant in the US Army during World War II, Mr. Kingsley still found himself on the Hollywood Blacklist.
  6. Being on the Hollywood Blacklist is the main reason none of his work has been adapted to film after 1951.
  7. Sidney Kingsley wrote The Patriots in 1943. This historical drama told of Thomas Jefferson’s story in the beginning of the American Republic (not to be confused with the history book by the same name published recently). The play won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award.
  8. Sidney Kingsley was elected president of the Dramatists Guild of America in 1964. He was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame in 1983.
  9. Kingsley wrote his final play, Night Life, in 1962. The same year he produced and directed the play in New York.
  10. He passed away in his home, still in Oakland, NJ, from a stroke.

Plays by Sidney Kingsley*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Fun Facts Friday: Sidney Kingsley
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Fun Facts Friday: Sidney Kingsley
Sidney Kingsley (22 October, 1906 – 20 March, 1995) was a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, as well as an actor.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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