Fun Facts Friday: Michael Shaara

June 22, 2012

Tomorrow will be the birthday of Pulitzer Prize winning Author Michael Shaara (23 Jun, 1928 – 5 May, 1988). Mr. Shaara’s book, The Killer Angels has been one of my favorites American Civil War novels and his son, Jeff, continues with the tradition.

Books by Michael Shaara

Books by Michael Shaara

1 ) Michael Shaara was born to Italian immigrants who spelled their name Sciarra (pronounced the same).

2 ) Mr. Shaara was born in Jersey City, NJ and graduated from Rutgers, the state university.

3 ) He served in the 82nd Airborne Division during The Korean War.

4 ) Before he started selling stories, Mr. Shaara was an amateur boxer and a police officer.

5 ) in the 1950s Mr. Shaara sold science fiction stories to magazines of the genre.

6 ) Mr. Shaara taught literature in Florida State University.

7 ) Michael Shaara wrote 5 novels (The Broken Place (1968),The Killer Angels (1974), The Noah Conspiracy, (also known as The Herald – 1981), Soldier Boy (1982) and For Love of the Game which was published posthumously in 1991.

8 ) In 1972 Mr. shaara had a horrible car accident in which he was nearly killed and never fully recovered.

9 ) After his death, Mr. Shaara’s Billy Boy was published under the title For Love of the Game. The novel was adapted in 1999 to a movie starring Kevin Costner.

10) Mr. Shaara’s son, Jeff, went on to write several popular books in the same style asThe Killer Angels including the popular sequel Gods and generals (post on the book coming soon).

Books by Michael Shaara

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • 2487910e37c7b6e6225e1cd6101328c9
    Sharon HenningJune 22, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    I have reviewed Killer Angels by Shaara but not posted it yet. I wish I had known it was Shaara’s birthday and I would post it but it’s behinds some other reviews.

  • 7c7526601347fce3bac05f96f4e032aa
    AlfredJune 22, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    Love your fun facts dude.
    I read The Killer Angels as well and was wondering about other books by the author, never thought about looking for his son’s books.

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