Alessandro Manzoni (7 March 1785 – 22 May 1873) was an Italian philosopher, poet, and writer. He is known for his book The Betrothed, a classic that helped unify the Italian language.
Fun Facts about Alessandro Manzoni:
- Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Antonio Manzoni was born in Milan, Italy. His family can trace their roots to the Lecco family, who were feudal lords.
- Pietro Manzoni raised him, but historians believe that his biological father was Giovanni Verri, an illuminist. That would make the famous and influential writer Pietro Verri his uncle.
Illuminists were a religious and philosophical movement. - Manzoni’s mother, Giulia, was a talented writer, and his maternal grandfather, Cesare Beccaria, was a famous author and philosopher.
- Alessandro Manzoni was not a good student and was even considered somewhat stupid. By the age of fifteen, however, he discovered poetry and wrote two sonnets, which showed much talent.
- In 1808, Alessandro Manzoni married a banker’s daughter named Henriette Blondel. The marriage proved to be a happy one and let to many years of domestic bliss.
- Alessandro Manzoni most famous novel, The Betrothed (I promessi sposi) was written between 1821 and 1823. However, it took another four years for it to be revised by him and his circle of friends. The book is still considered to be his greatest work and created the pattern of modern Italian.
- His beloved wife died in 1833, followed by several of his children and his mother. Mr. Manzoni married again in 1837 to the widow of Count Stampa, Teresa Borri. Between his two marriages, he had nine children, but only two of them were alive by the time he passed away.
- Manzoni was always involved in politics and was even a member of the Italian Senate. King Victor Emanuel II named him senator in 1860.
- Sadly, his oldest son, Pier Luigi, and historians believed it hastened Alessandro Manzoni’s death, which happened soon after.
- Pietro Manzoni’s funeral was a big affair. It was held in the Milan Cathedral, where his remains lay in state for several days. The funeral itself included dignitaries, officers of the state, and royal princes. Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem was written in his memory, he was quoted by Pope Pius XI, and he was honored with a Google doodle at least twice.
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Alessandro Manzoni | Wikipedia
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Alessandro Manzoni: Italian author | Britannica
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Fun Facts Friday: Alessandro Manzoni
Alessandro Manzoni (7 March 1785 – 22 May 1873) was an Italian philosopher, poet, and writer. He is known for his book The Betrothed, a classic that helped unify the Italian language
Man of la Book
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