Nobody Lives Forever by John Gardner finds James Bond, agent 007, evading assassins all over Europe who are attempting to collect a bounty on his head. This is the fifth book in the John Garnder’s Bond series.
- 301 pages
- Publisher : G. P. Putnam’s Sons
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0399131515
My rating for Nobody Lives Forever – 4
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John Gardner’s Bond series (16 book series) *
I found myself thoroughly enjoying this book even though Mr. Garnder has made 007 more in tune with pop-culture. I don’t think James Bond, nor Ian Fleming for that matter cares, as his quip about The Beatles in Goldfinger.
The basic premise of Nobody Lives Forever by John Gardner is “Why didn’t anyone kill James Bond yet?” It’s an excellent premise for a book, to be honest. In this globetrotting adventure Bond gets close to death, while in a race to save the only two women he cares about.
I appreciate that taking over for Ian Fleming is a big job, and I think that this is the best Bond book Gardner wrote so far. Giving Bond a reason to get angry and personally involved works and it seems like something the author was happy to chew on.
The book has several surprises in it, and Bond is put to the test. The fact that the lives at stake are May and Monypenny put different stakes on him than a random person he meets in the beginning and never sees again after the last page.
Of course, it’s not a spoiler to say that Bond survives. How he survives, maneuvering around Europe’s best assassins and henchmen while keeping calm is what makes the novel a page-turner.
For me, getting back the cold-blooded, but passionate, agent that Ian Fleming created is worth the cover price. Bond gets back his distinct personality, and his hard-hitting observations about the world are always fun to read, whether you agree with them or not.
James Bond is on his way to pick up his faithful housekeeper, May from a European health clinic. Double-0 Seven is warned by MI6 that the dying head of SPECTRE, Tamil Rahani, has put a price on his head. The prize is available to anyone who will kill James Bond.
Both May and Miss Moneypenny have been kidnapped by assassins looking for leverage on Bond. Aided by a young heiress, Principessa Sukie Tempesta and her female bodyguard, Nannette ‘Nannie’ Norrich, Bond is trying to save the important women in his life while staying alive.
Buy Nobody Lives Forever from Amazon.com*
More books by John Gardner*
John Gardner’s Bond series (16 book series) *
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I bought this book
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