Book Review: High Crimes by Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner

October 6, 2020

High Crimes: The Inside Story of the Trump Impeachment by Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner takes a close, detailed look at the events which led up to, and the hearings, during the trial. Both award-winning authors are seasoned journalists who spent a lot of time within House committees.

Book Review: High Crimes by Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner
My rating for High Crimes5
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More Books by Peter Eisner*

I have to hand it to the authors, they took a book about procedural, meetings, and laws and created a page turning thriller out of it. To be fair, they had lots of help from a cast of characters that it seems were taken right out of a comedic caper movie.

High Crimes: The Inside Story of the Trump Impeachment by Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner attempts, and succeeds, to navigate the enormous amount of information to tell a fascinating, easy to read story. More importantly, the authors managed to separate the truth from the mountains of disinformation being put out by state and non-state actors, in official as well as unofficial roles.

The effort put into this book in an attempt to tell an accurate, even handed chronicle of an event, which under every other administration would have dominated the headlines for months. Being that it’s 2020, the impeachment seems so far away that it’s not even making rounds in campaign ads.

The authors stuck to the facts, good or bad, and have been backing them up with sources so one could check themselves. This is not a complimentary book on the Trump administration, but it doesn’t go out of its way to make him look bad either, but they do use his own words to clarify their many of their points.

As someone who makes an effort to stay current on the news, I know how difficult it is to keep up with the ever changing landscape and distinguish between facts and disinformation coming from authoritative sources meant to muddy the water. I certainly don’t have the time to dig through unfiltered data, true and not true, as well as to turn it into information – this book does that.

The authors walk the reader through the events that led up to the decision to impeach, as well as the impeachment process and its aftermath (if you can even call it that). They use transcripts, documents, and testimonies to build up the narrative, staying away from hearsay and innuendos.

Finally, I’d like to stress that I didn’t think this book was a “hit piece” on any one person or part – I do not appreciate such products and feel they hurt the country and democracy. The authors, wisely I believe, stayed away anything they couldn’t support and from giving opinions until the epilogue. The book reads like a comedy, an unbelievable chain of events that if didn’t actually happen, would be difficult to believe

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More Books by Michael D’Antonio*
More Books by Peter Eisner*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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