Guest Post: Find a Nook and Read a Book: How reading every day can improve your well-being
Latest Posts / October 6, 2016

Photo via Pixabay Books have been an essential part of our lives since we entered this world. Most of us have memories of story time with Mom or Dad. Stories would transport us to other worlds and made us realize that anything is possible within those delicate pages. Unlike the fairy tale hero Peter Pan, somewhere along the way, we grew up. We find ourselves caught up in the daily grind of life, and we cast aside the things we deemed childish. Many people deem reading unnecessary as they grow older, but in all actuality, reading is as important in adulthood as it was for your development as a child. There are many reasons that you should keep your nose in that book. Mental Health Reading is one of the best things you can do for your brain, which is like any other muscle in your body in that it requires exercise to stay strong and healthy. One of the benefits of this type of brain exercise is the prevention (or even the slowing of the progress) of Alzheimer’s symptoms. Reading can also be a way to escape from the things in your life that are causing you extra…

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