Audiobook Giveaway: The Last Israelis by Noah Beck
Latest Posts / May 22, 2013

A few months ago I reviewed The Last Israelis by Noah Beck. Noah produced the first draft of his novel in just ten weeks, which is not much time to research, write, and refine a manuscript. So he took advantage of the many months involved in producing a second edition of his book (this time adding paperback and audiobook formats) to make many editorial refinements along the way. Noah also have a wonderful blog in which he writes of his experience in marketing a his book, dealing with publishers and other professionals which makes a fascinating read. Noah has been kind enough to offer one Audible downloads of the audiobook to three winners (each one is a $20 value) on the condition that the winners will write and post a review. If you don’t want to wait for the giveaway, you can buy the paper, eBook or audio version today. Giveaway Give­away ends: May 29, 2013 A valid e-mail and account is needed Winners’ email address will be shared with Mr. Beck for the sole purpose of sending them the free download code Winners MUST write and post a review Congratulations: allibrary@, studying.forensix@, etotschinger@

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