Book Review: My Ántonia by Willa Cather
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / May 1, 2013

About: My Ántonia by Willa Cather was written in 1918 and is considered the last in the “Prairie Trilogy” following O Pioneers! (review) And The Song of the Lark. This book is considered one of the greatest novels written by an American. 176 pages Publisher: Dover Publications Language: English ISBN-10: 0486282406 My rat­ing for My Ántonia — 4 Buy this book in paper or FREE in elec­tronic format More Books by Willa Cather Thoughts: My Ántonia by Willa Cather is a story within a story. The narrator is a friend of Jim who is stuck in a loveless marriage. Jim is consumed by a fantasy girl, Ántonia, who he remembers from childhood. The characters in the book well written, realistic but form a strange group, Ms. Cather does an amazing job writing a book from the perspective of a young man. To be honest, if I knew that this would be the case I probably won’t have read the book to begin with. I’m always weary of stories written from a perspective which the author can never perceive. Even though a man tells the story, this is not how a man would tell a story. The narrative might be in the voice of a man, but it is a woman writing as…

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