Book Review: The What to Eat When Cookbook by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, Dr. Michael Crupain, and Jim Perko

The What to Eat When Cookbook: 135+ Deliciously Timed Recipes by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, Dr. Michael Crupain, and Jim Perko offers recipes created and/or collected by two doctors and a chef for a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Roizen is the Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, Chief Medical Consultant on The Dr. Oz Show, author of four #1 New York Times best-selling books, as well as originator of Dr. Crupain is the Medical Director of The Dr. Oz Show, a board certified in preventive medicine, a fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine, and part-time faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

My rat­ing for The What to Eat When Cookbook5
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A cookbook written by two doctors and a chef is an interesting way to sell it, because one can safely assume it will have recipes which deliver taste and nutrition. The What to Eat When Cookbook: 135+ Deliciously Timed Recipes by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, Dr. Michael Crupain, and Jim Perko actually does that. I did not make all the recipes in the book, but the few that I did tasted great (one actually made it to the rotation), were simple, and did not require me to hunt for some exotic ingredient in the high mountains of Tibet.

The authors understood that people need variety and included desserts such as cakes, bars, and even a chocolate mousse. Besides the desserts, the book offers a bit of everything except meats. There are two or three chicken recipes, two or three fish recipes and no meat recipes. This is fine as the family and I are always looking for new ideas for salads, and desserts which are calorie low and tasty (hence the several large Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cookbooks in our library).

There are some useful dietary and lifestyle information in the book. I read it but would not like to comment very much. A lifestyle change should be done on a personal basis between an individual and their medical professional – not out of a book, even though there are some universal truths for most people out there when it comes to nutrition.

The book itself is beautiful, high quality, great pictures, glossy pages and most importantly, easy to follow. The recipes are easy to find, the ingredients are mostly something that most home cooks will have (or a substitute). The directions are simple and every recipe comes with an estimated timetable, as well as a handy conversion chart at the end.
Most importantly, whatever I tried turned out delicious.

Buy The What to Eat When Cookbook from*
More Books by Dr. Michael F. Roizen*
More Books by Dr. Michael Crupain*
More Books by Jim Perko *

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free from TLC Book Tours.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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