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Fun Facts Friday: Fritz Leiber

Fritz Leiber (24 December, 1910 – 5 September, 1992) was a science-fiction and fantasy writer, as well as a poet and playwright.

Books by Fritz Leiber*

Fun Facts about Fritz Leiber:

  1. Born as Fritz Reuter Leiber Jr. in Chicago, IL to an acting family. Both his parents, Fritz Sr. and Virginia Bronson Leiber, were actors.
  2. The author toured with his parents Shakespeare company, Fritz Leiber & Co before entering the University of Chicago.
  3. After graduation, Mr. Leiber toured with his parents under the state name Francis Lathrop, while writing short stories.
  4. Before author H.P. Lovecraft passed away, him and Fritz Leiber had a brief, but profound correspondence.
  5. Even though he was a pacifist, Mr. Lieber decided that the fight against fascism during World War II was more important. He then worked for Douglas Aircraft in quality inspections on the C-47 Skytrain.
  6. After than the war, the author worked as an associate editor for Science Digest. His output during the mid 194s to the mid-1950s was said to be one of the best science-fiction/fantasy writing.
  7. By 1958 Mr. Lieber was able to support his family by writing full time.
  8. Despite all his acclamation and awards, Fritz Lieber lived in squalor, partly to his struggle with alcoholism. Author Harlan Ellison said he found Lieber writing on a manual typewriter over the sink in his seedy San Francisco apartment.
  9. In 1984 the author wrote a 100 page memoir.
  10. Fritz Lieber died from a stroke in 1992. He was coming from from a science fiction convention in London, Ontario.

Books by Fritz Leiber*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Fun Facts Friday: Fritz Leiber
Fritz Leiber (24 December, 1910 – 5 September, 1992) was a science-fiction and fantasy writer, as well as a poet and playwright.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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