Tightwad Tuesday — Free or Affordable eBooks — Biblical Fiction

I really enjoy biblical fiction, especially about the Jewish bible. I think the stories are great, interesting  and, I hear, even teach a lesson or two. Most of the biblical fiction books I read were pretty good, some took many liberties, others didn’t but I have to say I enjoyed most of them (it is unfortunate that most of the ones I enjoyed were never translated into English). Many people miss the point of the bible, in my opinion – they either view it as literal history (which is a recent phenomena of about 100 years or so), or as a comic-book type superhero drama, or both. That is too bad since these wonderful stories are the base of which we built our society on (whether you believe them or not doesn’t matter), however over the centuries they have been bastardized to support one agenda or another, when actually they support none.

At the time of this post, the books below were free or $0.99 – please check before downloading.

Authors: If you’d like  your book to be fea­tured on Tight­wad Tues­days please email me.

In the Beginning (Holey Hullabaloo)
by Michael Goldsberry

A humorous retelling of Genesis from Eve’s pole dancing to “Skippy” Noah surfing to Hagar in a french maid outfit and more. Each chapter is a condensed scene making the flow pleasant and easy to follow. Weighing in at just over 10,000 words, this short novella allows you to breeze through the beginning of time in an afternoon, perhaps even saying to yourself, “I didn’t know it happened like THAT.”

“Elohim”: (Ancient Science Fiction or Biblical God?)
by Kerry Bargeradfs

Have you ever wondered who first penned the bible and where its familiar stories originated?

Some say much of it was written by Moses a thousand years before that. Others believe it to be a collection of tales told generation after generation around the campfires of nomads.

Recently, scholars have uncovered another explanation—one that defies belief! The first intelligent life on earth may have arrived here from another world, according to the translators of some recently discovered 5,000 year-old texts.

This fantastic notion was first documented by an individual claiming to be one of those original explorers who traveled to earth, genetically crafted the first humans, and guided the development of civilization. According to his own words, the author of a very ancient story was (in a very practical sense) our ‘heavenly’ father. His influence can be found in every major religion on earth today.

Spies in the Promised Land
by Jonah Kain

SPIES IN THE PROMISED LAND takes a dramatic episode from the Bible (the Book of Numbers) and brings it to life in a vibrant way. Numbers is one of the most overlooked books of the Bible, yet it offers some of the most dramatic material, including the story of the 12 spies’ excursion into the land of Israel and the subsequent conflict that their disastrous report would bring upon the fledgling nation of Israel. As a result of their report, the nation of Israel would be banned from entering the land, and forced to wander the desert for another 40 years. The Biblical story also offers great warrior-heroes in the characters of Caleb (the protagonist), and Joshua, who were both spies on the expedition.

SPIES IN THE PROMISED LAND is a moving, literary and powerful work of fiction which brings the Biblical book of Numbers to life for the first time. It is a must-read for both readers of the Bible and for the general audience that loved historical fiction like THE RED TENT.

Gods and Kings: Chronicles of the Kings #1
by Lynn Austin

Gods and Kings is the story of King Hezekiah, heir to the throne of King David. When his evil father plots to sacrifice him, Hezekiah’s mother, Abijah, searches frantically for a way to save him. But only two men can help her, and neither of them seems trustworthy. In a time and place engulfed by violence, treachery, and infidelity to Yahweh, Abijah and her son must discover the one true Source of strength if they are to save themselves and their country. Book 1 of Chronicles of the Kings.

Dancing with Lions
by Anne Brooke

When Michal, daughter of Saul, first sees David, she falls in love at once. But her father’s enmity and greed stand between her and the man she longs for. When David is forced to flee, her life changes forever – but what will happen when he returns to claim her?

Zohar – Man of la Book

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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