Favorite book quotes from this week, including Michael Willrich, John Grisham, Emma Donoghue,Steven Pressfield, Adam Levin, Victor Hugo, & Philip Kerr
Jules Verne was born on this day, 8 February, 1828 (d: 24 March, 1905) in Nantes, France. Verne is considered the father of general Science Fiction
When Madame Bovary was serialized in a newspaper, the French government sued the author and publisher on charges of immorality. The government lost.
October 14 1822, the anniversary of poet Victor Hugo & his childhood sweetheart Adèle Foucher. The marriage survived infidelities, children and scandal.
I was very impressed with The Hunchback of Notre Dame and thought the last 200 pages were certainly work trudging through some of it.
The dark, brooding and punishing interactions between the complex characters are a mastery of storytelling. The characters are also part of this complex plot