Besides enjoying the sections about places I’ve been to there are several other places that I either always wanted to go to, or discovered in this book.
Bernard Augustine DeVoto (11 January, 1897–13 November, 1955) was an award winning historian, teacher, essayist, editor and reviewer. He is known for his Pulitzer Prize winning series on the American West.
100 Parks, 5,000 Ideas: Where to Go, When to Go, What to See, What to Do – A travel book published by National Geographic about the American National Parks.
Bernard DeVoto was an American writer, historian, editor, and teacher. Mr. DeVoto is remembered as a champion of public land conversation and civil liberties.
A non-fiction book telling the harrowing story of the folks being stuck on top of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in one of the coldest winters recorded.
What scientists were, and to some degree still are, figuring out is that constant emails and texts appeal to a primitive part of the brain which is on constant lookout for a change in the environment because it might be important.
A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle is the very first novel featuring English detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson. The story was written in 1886 and published in 1887 and marks the first appearance of the famous sleuth.