Everest, Inc. by Will Cockrell is a very interesting, and informative book, shattering some cliches which have been around for decades
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus shines in parts, giving a claustrophobic, cinematic feel. While intense in parts, the book becomes somewhat formulaic
Dr. Mimi Zieman’s perspective on being the only woman on the expedition, and that on the human body is very interesting and enlightening
Sheriff Quinn Colson of Tibbehah County has a strange case on his hand. TJ Byrd, a teenage girl, insists she didn’t kill her mother and Colson believes her.
The novel does jump around, and when that happens the reader has to pay attention. Even if you do , what’s real and what’s not is always up for questioning.
Dr. Ryland Grace woke up on a space-ship with no idea why he’s there. His crew-mates are dead and the spaceship is millions of miles from home.
This not just an adventure story but one of resilience and courage Having the advantage of having a keen eye, and a degree in geology gives a unique perspective
Ms. Boskoff’s life was fascinating, full of taking chances in both personal and professional areas, as well as living a good, ethical life educating people.
The stories collected shattered many lives, not the least the childhood of the person telling. Several of them never recovered after their childhood ended.
Death March Escape: The Remarkable Story of a Man Who Twice Escaped the Nazi Holocaust – A biography of Dave Hersch, the author’s father and his first book.