
Graphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns, Vol. 2: The Death of the Red Lanterns by Peter MilliganGraphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns, Vol. 2: The Death of the Red Lanterns by Peter Milligan

Graphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns, Vol. 2: The Death of the Red Lanterns by Peter Milligan

The powerful Red Lantern Abysmus has been freed and on a mission to destroy all life, and the Red Lanterns…

6 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns Vol. 1: Blood and Rage by Peter MilliganGraphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns Vol. 1: Blood and Rage by Peter Milligan

Graphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns Vol. 1: Blood and Rage by Peter Milligan

This volume focuses on how Atrocitus created the corps fighting various enemies, the mission of the Red Lanterns, backstories, and…

6 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us by Dan AbnettGraphic Novel Review: Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us by Dan Abnett

Graphic Novel Review: Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us by Dan Abnett

Trying to infiltrate the H.I.V.E. the Titans have personal issues. Nightwing is still getting over his fight with Deathstroke, arsenal…

6 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Batwoman, Vol. 2: Wonderland by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IVGraphic Novel Review: Batwoman, Vol. 2: Wonderland by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IV

Graphic Novel Review: Batwoman, Vol. 2: Wonderland by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IV

Kate Kane (Batwoman) is shot down getting captured by Scarecrow. We get a trip into Batwoman’s psyche as stumbles from…

6 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Batman: Preludes to the Wedding by Tim SeeleyGraphic Novel Review: Batman: Preludes to the Wedding by Tim Seeley

Graphic Novel Review: Batman: Preludes to the Wedding by Tim Seeley

Batman: Preludes to the Wedding by Tim Seeley is a collection of stories where side characters in the Batman universe…

7 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four Vol. 2 by Brian BuccellatoGraphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four Vol. 2 by Brian Buccellato

Graphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four Vol. 2 by Brian Buccellato

Superman has been ruling humanity for four years with an iron fist. The gods of Olympus have been trying to…

7 years ago
Graphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four Vol. 1 by Brian BuccellatoGraphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four Vol. 1 by Brian Buccellato

Graphic Novel Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four Vol. 1 by Brian Buccellato

What would happen if Zeus demanded religions be abandoned ? How would Superman fair vs Greek gods? How will the…

7 years ago
Book Review: Foundryside by Robert Jackson BennettBook Review: Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

Book Review: Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett a smart novel in a complex world where humans can tap the consciousness of objects…

7 years ago
Book Review: The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz ZafónBook Review: The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Book Review: The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The story is about an author named David Martin who accepts an assignment to write a book for a very…

13 years ago
Author Q&A with M.J. RoseAuthor Q&A with M.J. Rose

Author Q&A with M.J. Rose

I read and enjoyed M. J. Rose’s series of non-sequential books “The Rein­car­na­tion­ist”. I recently had an opportunity to ask…

14 years ago