Edmund Morris (27 May 1940 – 24 May 2019) was an American Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, known for his biographies of Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan
Daniel J. Boorstin was a historian specializing in both American and world history. Mr. Boorstin was the twelfth Librarian of the United States Congress.
Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have touched a lot of lives, some for better, some for worst. This book goes in the political wars fought about it
Most of these gems are well known, but I think the authors would have done well if they were more discreet, anyone can say a comeback, but there is an art in doing it like Churchill or Lincoln. Unfortunately many of today’s politicians that are quoted in this book are not anymore witty than the average middle school student, and some are less.
Dark Territory The Secret History of Cyber War by Fred Kaplan is a non-fiction book dealing with new form of warfare which might sound bombastic but is readable
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right is a nonfiction book tracing how the rich & powerful shape the world.
Tom Clancy (12 April, 1947 – 1 October, 2013) was a prolific bestselling American author known for his espionage books and military-science novels.