
Book Review: The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure

A second rate architect, only accepts his benefactor’s offer to design hiding places for Jews so he can get contracts…

9 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Gustave Flaubert

When Madame Bovary was serialized in a newspaper, the French government sued the author and publisher on charges of immorality.…

10 years ago

Book Review: Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

The story revolves around the French roundup of Jews during WWII. A little girl, named Sarah, which escaped death and…

10 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer (31 January, 1923 – 10 November, 2004) was an American author, journalist, playwright, actor, film maker and political…

10 years ago

Book Review: The Last Train to Paris by Michele Zackheim

Rose Manon is an American journalist, born in Nevada, living in New York trying hard to deal with the attitudes…

10 years ago

Book Review: Gracianna by Trini Amador

In the early 1940s, Gracianna Lasaga, a young girl from the mountains, sets her sights on reaching America. However, soon…

11 years ago

Guest Post: The Inspiration Behnid My Novel Lineup By Liad Shoham

My family members heard the story and were amazed. “You have to write about it,” my mother determined. I had…

11 years ago

Book Review: Three Lives of Tomomi Ishikawa by Benjamin Constable

Tomomi “But­ter­fly” Ishikawa com­mit­ted sui­cide but left her best friend, Ben­jamin Con­sta­ble, a trail of clues which lead him from…

11 years ago

Book Review: Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas

Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas is the second book in what is now knows as the d’Artagnan Romances (the…

11 years ago

Book Review: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

Article first published as Book Review: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas on Blogcritics. About: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre…

12 years ago

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