
Fun Facts Friday: André Malraux

André Malraux (3 November, 1901 – 23 November, 1976), born in Paris as Georges André Malraux, was a novelist, politician,…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Allen Tate

Allen Tate (19 November, 1899 – 9 February, 1979) was a social commentator, poet, and Poet Laureate of the United…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes (12 November, 1915 – 26 March, 1980) a French philosopher,critic, essayist, and theorist. Mr. Barthe’s ideas influenced many…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Ida Tarbell

Ida Tarbell (5 November, 1857 – 6 January, 1944) was an author, biographer, lecturer, educator and an early pioneer of…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: George Orwell

George Orwell was an English novelist, journalist, critic and writer known for his classic novels such as Animal Farm and…

3 years ago

Book Review: Plunder: Napoleon’s Theft of Veronese’s Feast by Cynthia Saltzman

The subject might be just one painting, but it also tells of the history of the time, military tactics, art…

3 years ago

Book Review: Le Deal by J. Byrne Murphy

A memoir of Byrne Murphy, a young businessman who moves to Paris to reignite his career and his fortunes. He…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Alice B. Toklas

Alice B. Toklas was an American cookbook writer and life partner of Gertrude Stein. The 1945 Alice B. Toklas Cookbook…

3 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: John George Nicolay

John George Nicolay (26, February, 1832 – 26 September, 1901) served as the private secretary to Abraham Lincoln, and co-authored…

3 years ago

Book Review: The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles

In 1939, Paris, Odile Souchet has her life on track. She’s working in her dream job at the American Library…

3 years ago

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