The novel is strongest in its depiction of the day-to-day living with a person suffering from Alzheimer’s. An undignified way to slowly die for those affected.
Queen Victoria ruled England when she was at the height of her power, a stable world leader, and a powerful player on the world’s stage.
About: The Newlyweds by Nell Freudenberger is a fictional book which deals with online marriages of US citizens to mail order brides. As with any marriage, this one is also fraught with challenges on a day to day basis. My rating for The Newlyweds – 3 Buy this book in paper or in electronic format. More books by Nell Freudenberger Thoughts: The Newlyweds by Nell Freudenberger is a well written book and a first rate drama. The author created a rich world and some thought provoking instances in the narrative. This is one of those books that I’m on the fence about (much like Jane Eyre). While I certainly appreciate the quality, the story didn’t speak to me nor could I identify myself with anyone of the characters except George, the American husband, which is basically a set piece. As someone who is not unfamiliar with cross cultural / cross religious marriages, as well as immigration and culture shock, I thought this book would speak to me more – but it didn’t. I really liked the premise of a Bangladeshi woman coming to the United States to marry an American. Amina is not some dimwit, but an intelligent (far more intelligent than her husband),…
September 23, 1862 marks the wedding of one of them the most tumultuous couples in literary history when Leo Tolstoy married Sophie Andreyevna Behrs