The Flash, superhero alter ego of Barry Allen, the title hero, at a breaking point where he is about to lose everything and everyone close to him.
A graphic novel where The Flash is fighting The Rogues after finally pulling of that “one big score” and are living it up in a beachside mansion
Barry Allen, The Flash, has found out Wally West has a lot to learn, so he decided that decides he can no longer be Kid Flash until his training is done.
The Flash (Barry Allen) is learning more about his powers and what fuels them. The Speed Force that flows gives him his powers, strikes all over Central City.
As the Teen Titans are settling into their new tower in San Francisco, a prison breakout happens and some suspicious disappearances are happening with it.
Kid Flash is lost in time and dimensions due to the Flashpoint caused by The Flash. He is drifting into nothingness, but can see the mysteries of the universe.
I felt this story is a cliché, the Teen Titans accept Damian as some sort of leader, while teaching him a few social graces, while making him realize that he doesn’t need to be a jerk all the time.