historical fiction

Book Review: Stalina by Emily Rubin

“Stalina” by Emily Rubin is the fictional story of a Russian immigrant to the United States. The story takes place…

13 years ago

Book Review: The Trinty Six by Charles Cumming

I found the plot to be a bit too convenient, information happens to fall into Sam’s lap just at the…

13 years ago

Book Review: The Fifth Servant by Kenneth Wishnia

There is great insight on how Jews were persecuted and the struggles they faced. However, the author uses these adversities…

13 years ago

Book Review: We, The Drowned by Carsten Jensen

We, The Drowned by Carsten Jensen is a spellbinding, award winning novel spanning 100 years in a small Danish coastal…

13 years ago

Book Review: The Purples by W.K. Berger

Joe is not a perfect narrator and after finishing the book I finally saw what the author was trying to…

13 years ago

Book Review: A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick is told in vivid narrative, it is sinful and tense, with flashes of violence,…

14 years ago

Book Review: Galveston by P. G. Nagle

The island of Galveston is attacked by the USA. Confederate Jamie Russell is in the battle, Emma takes care of…

14 years ago

Book Review: The Templar Salvation by Raymond Khoury

Conrad, one of the last of the Templars must save several crates. Archeologist Tess Chaykin is forced by a mysterious…

14 years ago

Book Review: Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving

The making of a writer. Daniel Baciagalupo and his father flee a 1950’s New Hampshire logging town after Daniel accidentally…

14 years ago

Book Review: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Set during the 1960’s, when the civil rights movement was gaining speed and atrocities went unnoticed, the book’s existence could…

14 years ago

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