A graphic novel which culminates the story-line where Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Catwoman (Selina Kyle) are set to get married
Wonder Woman keeps losing her grip on what’s real and what’s not. No one knows why and Steve Trevor is even forced to put her in a psychiatric hospital.
The art was excellent, very enjoyable and expressive. Strong story and art really make a killer combination in comics and it’s always a pleasure to read one.
A a more naïve, less powerful version of Superman joined with a less moralistic more sarcastic version of Batman is a winning formula.
The Red Lantern Corps goes on a killing rage throughout the universe when the Third Army shows up.The Manhunters help Atrocitus needs help to defeat the Army
The powerful Red Lantern Abysmus has been freed and on a mission to destroy all life, and the Red Lanterns by poising their battery.
This volume focuses on how Atrocitus created the corps fighting various enemies, the mission of the Red Lanterns, backstories, and civil war.
Kate Kane (Batwoman) is shot down getting captured by Scarecrow. We get a trip into Batwoman’s psyche as stumbles from one hellish landscape to another