Fun Facts Friday

Fun Facts Friday: Dr. Watson

August 7 is the birthday of the character Dr. Watson. Created by Arthur Conan Doyle, Dr. Watson became almost as…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: George Sand

Today is the birthday of famed author George Sand. Despite the name, Sand was a woman who had a very…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Anne Morrow Lindbergh

This week we celebrated the birthday of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Besides being the wife of the famous aviator, she was…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Katherine Anne Porter

May 15, 1890 was the birthday of Callie Porter, later known as Katherine Anne Porter. Ms. Porter was a very…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Libraries

Whether you are rich or poor, edu­cated or not and no mat­ter to which polit­i­cal party you donated to, you…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

I was very impressed with The Hunchback of Notre Dame and thought the last 200 pages were certainly work trudging…

13 years ago

Fun Facts Friday: Anna Sewell

Author Anna Sewell (30 March 1820 – 25 April 1878) was an English novelist best known for her classic novel…

13 years ago

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