british literature

Book Review: The Book Lover’s Library by Madeline Martin

This was a charming, easy-to-read, lovely story. I read it quickly and enjoyed the story even though I thought most…

6 days ago

Book Review: The Evening and the Morning by Ken Follett

I enjoy the Kingsbridge series because of the history and details of how they used to build tremendous buildings without…

4 months ago

Book Review: The Armor of Light by Ken Follett

I fully realized I was being manipulated, and yet I couldn’t stop reading. The historical detail paired with engaging characters…

9 months ago

Book Review: The Volunteer by Salvatore Scibona

The Volunteer by Salvatore Scibona tells of young boy is stranded at Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel Airport in 2010. He speaks no…

5 years ago

Book Review: Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

I truly enjoyed Ms. Mantel’s writing, it is sharp, distinct and lively. The portrayal of the characters is excellent and…

8 years ago

Book Review: The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

I found the author’s explanation of how technology developed to make the buildings stronger, very interesting. The historical fiction aspect…

10 years ago

Book Review: Lionheart by Sharon Kay Penman

Richard I, “Lionheart”, takes his vows seriously including the one to free Jerusalem from Salah-a-Din. He leaves his kingdom with…

13 years ago

Book Review: Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd

Mr. Boyd tells of human drama, fools, criminals, patsies & losers living on the edges of society. For every loser…

13 years ago

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