The Flash (Barry Allen) is learning more about his powers and what fuels them. The Speed Force that flows gives him his powers, strikes all over Central City.
Harley Quinn Vol. 3: Red Meat is a graphic novel featuring all the action, comedy, and even drama one would expect from the title psycho anti-hero and friends
Superman died defending Earth, but watching it was Superman from another timeline. This Superman / Clark Kent has married Lois Lane and a father to (Superboy)
This is an enjoyable fast moving graphic novel which builds upon the new Nightwing stories as well as ties it down to the rest of the DC Universe and Bat-family
The story is your standard super-stranger is a new town. Helping a bunch of misfits, a bad-tempered cigar chomping cop, and of course a love interest.
As the Teen Titans are settling into their new tower in San Francisco, a prison breakout happens and some suspicious disappearances are happening with it.
Even though it wasn’t meant for me, Wonder Woman is coming back with a vengeance as a symbol of female empowerment, as she was always meant to be.
A solid book of the Detective Comics series. Batman (Bruce Wayne) teams up with Zatanna, the magician, and the reader gets to view a bit of their history