The Apocalypse Seven by Gene Doucette tells of seven people wake up one morning and slowly realize the rest of humanity has simply vanished.
The Red Lantern Corps goes on a killing rage throughout the universe when the Third Army shows up.The Manhunters help Atrocitus needs help to defeat the Army
This volume focuses on how Atrocitus created the corps fighting various enemies, the mission of the Red Lanterns, backstories, and civil war.
Trying to infiltrate the H.I.V.E. the Titans have personal issues. Nightwing is still getting over his fight with Deathstroke, arsenal has a crush on Donna Troy
What would happen if Zeus demanded religions be abandoned ? How would Superman fair vs Greek gods? How will the world react to the Greek pantheon?
Most of all The Martian celebrates human inventiveness to survive. An adventure book celebrating intelligence, done with intellect, wit and full of suspense.