I do agree with many things discussed, and The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter does inspire me to go out and do more stuff. The Alaska trip sounds amazing
Everest, Inc. by Will Cockrell is a very interesting, and informative book, shattering some cliches which have been around for decades
Dr. Mimi Zieman’s perspective on being the only woman on the expedition, and that on the human body is very interesting and enlightening
In Never Give Up: A Life of Adventure, author Bear Grylls shares anecdotes from his life, business, TV shows, as well as family adventures
The book focused on the author’s growth throughout her hike. A difficult 220 miles, which she did in three weeks, amazingly her first long hike, solo as well
Ms. Boskoff’s life was fascinating, full of taking chances in both personal and professional areas, as well as living a good, ethical life educating people.
The strength of the book is in the way Mr. Krakauer tells the story, combining an adventure with social commentary without resorting to dry timeline lists
Above All Things by Tanis Rideou is an interesting book to discuss, the story is multilayered, the narrative is poetic and the action is exciting.