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Spotlight: Making Emmie Smile / Facepaint Non-Profit

Our Free Little Library has been gifted the book Making Emmie Smile by Facepaint, a charity dedicated to raise social and cultural awareness and support literacy and education.

Buy Making Emmie Smile from*
More Books by Ellen Weisberg*
More Books by Ken Yoffe*

MAKING EMMIE SMILE is a child development book geared for toddlers. In MAKING EMMIE SMILE, family members attempt to make the child happy by offering her different material things, only to succeed in getting the child to smile by offering personal attention. The basic theme of MAKING EMMIE SMILE is the importance of fulfilling your child’s emotional needs.

Facepaint have launched a website, which gives some information about the nonprofit and its goal to raise social and cultural awareness, and support literacy and education. Editorial reviews for their books are also provided. In addition, the site has free PDF downloads of bilingual mini-tutorials based on our published geography books (Spanish/English and Hindi/English).

A QR code is included at the end of each of the donated books now that takes the reader to the nonprofit website.

They also have a YouTube channel with video versions of the books, including audiobooks, and other videos meant to educate, enlighten, or entertain (or if we’re lucky all three!)
Please feel free to visit the channel and share with anyone you think might be interested (they always appreciate subscribers!).
QR codes are included at the end of the donated books that take the reader to one or both of our multi-award-winning 3D animations, “Justin and the Werloobee” and “Full Length “Full Moon” With Audience Feedback


Article Name
Spotlight: Making Emmie Smile / Facepaint Non-Profit
Facepaint have launched a website, which gives some information about the nonprofit and its goal to raise social and cultural awareness, and support literacy and education. Editorial reviews for their books are also provided.
Publisher Name
Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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  • Thank you so much for your support, and for sharing information about our nonprofit, FACEPAINT!
    Best wishes,
    Ellen and Ken

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