Search results for: neil gaiman

Thoughts on: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / May 7, 2012

About: American Gods by Neil Gaiman is an award wining fictional book. The book blends fantasy, Americana and mythology to create a unique story from the brilliant mind of one of today’s top writers. 624 pages Publisher: Harper (April 30, 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 0380789035 My rating for American Gods –5 Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account Thoughts: American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Web­site | Face­book | Twit­ter) is fascinating, titillating, smart and funny. This is not a light read on vacation because the book asks you to suspend reality and be immersed in it. Mr. Gaiman makes many cultural references, societal commentary (not always good) and loads of mythological elements weaved into this fascinating story. The book’s main character takes us through a journey which weaves a tale of how the old gods (Odin, Thor, Anubis, elves, leprechauns, etc.), who were brought over to the US by immigrants, are dying because people stopped believing in them to favor the new gods (media, celebrities, technology, money and more). The scenery takes place mostly on the back roads of the United States where the protagonist meets gritty folks who, despite the storyline, are believable and…

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