Search results for: Chicago

Book Review: How I Learned to Hate in Ohio by David Stuart MacLean
Latest Posts / January 20, 2021

This is a book that’s meant to be discussed, there are many issues which, unfortunately, we see playing out in real time during 2020. The book puts a spotlight on issues none of us want to believe exist, but we know that they do. The story could be told in any small-town, not just Ohio. Could be in New Jersey, California, Texas, or the Dakotas.

Fun Facts Friday: Michael Crichton
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / October 23, 2020

Michael Crichton (23 October, 1942 – 4 November, 2008) was an American author of medical fiction and techno-thrillers, as well as a successful filmmaker. Mr. Crichton is known for many projects, including Westworld, ER, Jurassic Park, and The Andromeda Strain.

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