Kid’s Book Review: Russell and the Lost Treasure by Rob Scotton

June 23, 2012

During the summer vacation, our daughter (7 and going into second grade) is assigned to read a book a day and write a “reading response”. I thought it would be nice to incorporate her assignment into Daddy’s hobby, record her doing so which will help her thought process reading and writing.
Look for a special guest appearance by our son (5) at some point in the video.

Kid's Book Review: Russel and the Lost Treasure by Rob Scotton

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More Books by Bob Scotton

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Please post comments to let her know that people are looking at her efforts.

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • 8b30c4227ad49aaf89e05de1b1c3eba4
    Alex BaughJune 23, 2012 at 8:13 am

    What a great book review you did. It looks like such a good book, I think I will tell all my friends about it. Nice work and I hope you do a few more reviews this summer.

  • 253a37448efa5baf9b1f5faa1cf5ec9b
    Rob ScottonJune 23, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    This is a wonderful review and thank you, so much, for your kind comments. I’m pleased to hear that you’re enjoying my books about Russell and I hope you make many more video reviews.
    Hugs from Rob Scotton and Russell the Sheep…Oh, and Frankie the frog!

  • 839bdc8c5dc79bc3c7dc4b960065a894
    SarahRTWJune 23, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    Excellent book review; you sound like a pro!!

    Great idea, Zohar, getting your daughter involved with your blog this way. Love it

  • Ad67f34ba37dc6839a81ece719b1068a
    CarlJune 24, 2012 at 8:06 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to review Rob’s book for us.
    It is kind of hard to do but people really appreciate getting a another person’s point of view before they buy a book themselves.
    I hope you have more reviews planned in the future.
    Best wishes,

  • D6df0d2a9967b61da64fbccad5b3c308
    Maya M.June 27, 2012 at 1:40 pm

    Great book review! I got a good idea about the “big picture” , even though I haven’t read that book. My five-year-old daughter and I like the Russell book where he can’t fall asleep.

    How great, to have a memory of the first of many, many book reviews you’ll do in your life, hopefully not only for school.

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