Guest Post: The 7 Biggest Challenges for Writers and How to Overcome Them

January 17, 2019

Regardless of your area of expertise, you will agree that writing is one of the most popular and sought-after professions. While being a writer can be lucrative and gives you new opportunities, young writers are still facing a lot of challenges on a daily basis. Sometimes, these obstacles can make or break a writer’s career.

For this article, we’ve asked several writers about their biggest challenges and how to solve them. After you analyze all the solutions, your workflow and results will improve greatly.

Some of these challenging situations are very easily solvable, even though it doesn’t seem to be that way.

The 7 Biggest Challenges For Writers And How To Overcome Them

  1. Writer’s block

How to describe the writer’s block? It’s one of those moments when you find it impossible to put ideas into words. Even the biggest writers like Ernest Hemingway and Dostoyevsky have publicly talked about their battles with writer’s block.

How do you beat it and how can you get back in the “right” mood?

Firstly, don’t force anything. If you don’t feel like writing, do something else. Oftentimes, a lack of sleep or too much stress prevent your brain from working. Exercise regularly to improve blood flow throughout your body.

If none of that work, try and take a break for a few days. Being away from writing can help immensely.

  1. No ideas

Next to a writer’s block, the lack of ideas is one of the most common problems writers experience. Don’t worry, every writer has felt a lack of inspiration and ideas at some point of time in their writing career.

You think you may be able to write that next chapter or a new article, but somehow, nothing seems to be coming your way. Thankfully, there are efficient ways to get ideas for your next work.

Taking a walk around your neighborhood without a smartphone is a good idea. You will be surprised at how much inspiration is there at every corner.

We tend to disregard this because of being stuck in the virtual world. When you come back, do some research on the subject. The ‘break from routine’ will inspire you and prepare you for the next writing challenge.

  1. Lack of motivation

No matter how successful a writer is, he or she is bound to experience a motivational crisis. Everyone has days when they just want to lie down and relax, without an urge to write.

A problem arises if you really love writing, but can’t find the motivation to sit at your desk and invest effort. Oftentimes, this happens after long breaks or in completely opposite situations, when you haven’t rested in a long time.

To overcome this challenge, start small. Make a plan and split it into many small goals. Do five minutes of research and tick it off the list. The more things you “tick” off your list, the more motivation you will feel.

  1. Low pay

More often than not, young writers are happy when they find work. However, when they manage to deliver a project or complete a chapter, they get paid in dismal amounts. This is closely connected to challenge number 3, as it can be demoralizing to work for little to no money. Every writer sees salary as a form of a result.

The best way to overcome this particular problem is to think of your desired, but nevertheless realistic, pay.

Don’t settle for anything less and your clients will either stop working with you or start respecting you more. You will definitely find someone better if they stop working with you. The key to increasing your revenue is knowing your worth.

  1. I didn’t write yesterday/last week/last month

Sometimes, even the most inspired writers can experience writer’s block and similar problems. As we’ve said, it’s best to leave writing for a day or an extended period of time.

However, this doesn’t prove helpful because writers often regret taking some time off. “Yes, I may write now, but imagine how much I could have written/could have earned if I worked that day!” is a phrase that writers often say.

Regretting things will get you nowhere. You took time off to feel better and to come back better than ever. If you spend your time off regretting not working, why are you resting in the first place?

Don’t look at the past. Be thankful that you had the time to rest and use the extra energy to write better in the future.

  1. I can’t organize myself

Writing is a somewhat strange job because of its flexibility. In spite of some existing deadlines, you’re not subjected to a fixed schedule, and you can work whenever you want and how much you want.

For organized people, this is a blessing, but young writers fall into this trap very easily. Instead of being thankful for their freedom, writers get even more disorganized.

Overcoming this challenge is simple – make a plan as if you were working 9-5. Always start at the same time and finish at that time. You may be tempted to work more just because you can, but resist the urge. Have free time, and you will see improvements.

  1. Lack of sleep

Inspiration is a strange thing. It can hit you when you least expect it. A challenge arises when that “least expected” hour arrives when you should be sleeping.

Even though you have written a lot, that lack of sleep comes back to haunt you. How does a writer resolve this particular challenge?

It’s easy. Use the inspiration window, and write down ideas. You can use them once you wake up and feel that energy for writing oozing out. No matter how productive of a night you had, it’s all pointless if you’re tired the next day.


We hope these challenges will be a thing of the past. By utilizing the simple solutions provided, your writing career will soar, and you’ll be able to achieve your targets easily.


Cathy Baylis is a freelance assignment help writer specializing in personal growth, career development and leadership. She loves sharing her interests with readers, and she has something to say, for sure. Writing is not only her hobby but profession at the same time.

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