Guest Post: My Life As An Over-50 Peace Corps Volunteer by Michael Licwinko

October 10, 2016

EJsqVRvMichael Licwinko wanted to be a Peace Corps Volunteer when he graduated from college, but for reasons spelled out in this book the timing wasn’t right. Ten years later he thought it was, but no. Finally, after thirty years of hanging on to the dream, he realized it.

In order to “edutain” his family and friends about the far away country of Kyrgyzstan, Michael blogged and emailed the events, incidences and ordeals of his service during this life-changing experience. Read how he adapted to living in a new country, learned the hard way that you can never be too culturally sensitive, created a social issues radio serial, lived through the overthrow of the Kyrgyz government and so much more.

The book is formatted for easy reading. No chapters, just the original emails in chronological order followed by Michael’s fresh commentary, insights, opinions and untold stories that would have been unwise to publish while a volunteer because Big Brother may have been (was likely) reading what he wrote.

As the majority of the vibrant baby boomer generation nears retirement and contemplates what to do next, joining the Peace Corps should be on their list of options. This book offers an unfiltered, authentic account of the realities and rewards of serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer. It can be a life changing experience. As stated by Michael, “The Peace Corps impacted me in ways I never would have imagined. It’s a process because I didn’t wake up one day and say, ‘Wow, now I’m a new guy.’” Reading this book will give everyone a good idea if the Peace Corps is a match for them.
“Mail From Kyrgyzstan: My Life As An Over-50 Peace Corps Volunteer” is available in a digital edition ($4.49) and in paperback ($15.99) on It’s free with Amazon Prime and you can share it.

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