Graphic Novel Review: Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable by Paul Cornell


Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable by Paul Cornell (illustrated by Alan Davis and Mirco Pierfederici) is a graphic novel which finds our anti-hero powerless. This graphic novel collections Wolverine #7-13).

  • 160 pages
  • Publisher: Marvel
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780785183976

My rating for Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable – 3
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More Books by Paul Cornell


I did not read volume 1 of this story, this is another graphic novel my daughter took out of the public library and I jumped on the opportunity to read Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable by Paul Cornell (illustrated by Alan Davis and Mirco Pierfederici) (I don’t think she did though). I enjoyed the story-line that Wolverine lost his healing factor, but not his fighting spirit.

 Logan now heals like a regular human, can get drunk, die, and feels enormous pain whenever his famous claws come out. The biggest change, however, is that Logan can no longer play the “loner” card, and has to rely on others for help to survive.

While I always enjoy the Wolverine graphic novels, and others such Untamed: The Psychology of Marvel’s Wolverine by Suzana E. Flores , as I do find them absurd when there is a ninja hiding behind every corner (don’t you hate that?). This graphic novel really pushed the absurdity levels by having the, now vulnerable, Wolverine go after Mystique and Sabretooth because… they stole a ceremonial sword?

Out of all the dangerous villains vying to kill him, he choose the two which most likely will finish the job. I though the story of Logan being vulnerable was excellent, but it dragged on while he, prideful and foolish, goes after a silly artifact.
I don’t know if it’s just the absurdity of Wolverine stories, or lazy writing.

The last battle with Sabretooth, however, is really well written and drawn – so it was the sluggish pace. Logan is in real danger, but I thought there was a better way to get there.


Logan has previously lost his healing factor, and hence is living a different reality than he is used to. Wolverine thinks he had found a cure in Wakanda, but before he goes there, Wolverine must battle foes who are just itching to take him down.

Buy Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable from*
More Books by Paul Cornell

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got borrowed this book from the local library.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable by Paul Cornell
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Wolverine Vol. 2: Killable by Paul Cornell
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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