Graphic Novel Review: Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes (Rebirth) by Peter J. Tomasi

Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes (Rebirth) by Peter J. Tomasi (illustrated by Jorge Jimenez, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Jose Luis) continues the story of Damian, the new Robin and son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al’Ghul and Jon, the new Superboy and son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. This graphic novel collects issues #6-10.

  • 128 pages
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1401278469

My rating for Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes – 3
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More Books by Peter J. Tomasi

I strangely found myself enjoying Super Sons vol 1: When I Grow Up and was looking forward to read Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes (Rebirth) by Peter J. Tomasi (illustrated by Jorge Jimenez, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Jose Luis). I was hoping to find the story of two mischievous boys, getting in trouble while coming of age – something similar to season 1 of Smallville.

The story in this graphic novel takes on too much, some stories are simply loosely tied together and are overly complex for what it is. I enjoyed the relationship between Jon and Damian but I think a less bombastic mission/adventure would have played better.

Even though this issue is more aimed at kids / young teens than the more adult oriented books, it’s still a lot of fun. I enjoy the new Robin’s dark sarcasm and attitude. For me, the last issue of the two young almost-heroes training together really saved the whole graphic novel. I wish more stories like that, somewhat of a smaller scale than a grand adventure, would make it into the series.

The two stories in this issue seemed to be slapped together rather quickly. The interaction between Superboy and Robin, as in the first graphic novel, is really the star here and makes it all worthwhile.

The book also focuses on the parenting styles of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. While the Kents have their rules, they understand that Jon can’t be protected from what he is to become, and needs guidance. Bruce Wayne is less hands on, but still expects strict discipline from his snarky, controlling, brooding, and independent son.

Overall this is a fun title which, most likely, will not have many reverberating affects throughout the DC Universe. Awesome, eye popping art and best of all, who could ask for a better snarky teenage hideout than the Fortress of Attitude.

A training mission for Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jon Kent (Superboy), turns out to be an adventure in another dimension. This  time the two team up with the Teen Titans.

Buy Super Sons Vol. 2: Planet of the Capes from*
More Books by Peter J. Tomasi

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got borrowed this book from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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