Graphic Novel Review: Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy by Peter Milligan


Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy by Peter Milligan (illustrated Miguel Sepúlveda) is a graphic which continues the story of the brutal civil war the Red Lanterns (fueled by rage) are fighting. This graphic novel collects issues #0, #13-20, as well as Green Lantern #20.

  • 272 pages
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1401244149

My rating for Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy – 3
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Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy by Peter Milligan (illustrated Miguel Sepúlveda) has a lot going for it, but it might have taken on too much. The graphic novel follows three stories: an origin story of Atrocitus, Rankorr coming to terms with losing his humanity in favor of being a Red Lantern (Bleez acting as his conscious), and the rest of the Red Lanterns looking after the battery.

These three arcs might get confusing, but overall they make a descent story. My favorite was Rankorr and Bleez on Earth, where you can see how great Bleez is at manipulation and Rankorr’s true form.

As much as I liked, surprisingly, these graphic novels, this one just seemed too winded. Atrocitus, the angriest of the Red Lanterns still can’t find his true anger (whatever that means) and monologues about it endlessly.  The art was cluttered and I did not feel enhanced the story, but made it a bit more confusing – and there was a lot to keep track of.

If you enjoyed this series, you’ll enjoy this issue as well, even though it’s a bit confusing and repetitive, and a bit too heavy handed on the philosophy – but it’s still fun.


The red lantern power battery is reignited, but low on power. The Red Lantern Corps goes on a killing rage throughut the universe when the Third Army shows up. Atrocitus needs help to defeat the Third Army and he gets it from the Manhunters, which he absolutely hates.

Meanwhile, Rankorr has returned to Earth to complete turning into a true Red Lantern.

Buy Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy from*
More Books by Peter Milligan*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got borrowed this book from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate accoun

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Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy by Peter Milligan
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Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy by Peter Milligan
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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