Graphic Novel Review: Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett

June 10, 2019


Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett (illustrated by Marguerite Sauvage, Laura Braga, Mirka Andolfo, Sandy Jarrell, and Maria Laura Sanapo) is the second, and last volume of this story which reimagines the DC Comics heroines during World War II. This graphic novel collects issues #7-12.

  • 200 pages
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1401264484

Graphic Novel Review: Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett
My rating for Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies –3
Buy Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies from*

More Books by Marguerite Bennett*


I thoroughly enjoyed Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted of this series, the story and the artwork created one of my favorite graphic novels in recent years. I was, of course, looking forward to reading Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett (illustrated by Marguerite Sauvage, Laura Braga, Mirka Andolfo, Sandy Jarrell, and Maria Laura Sanapo) to see how things turned out for the heroines.

The story in this graphic novel was all over the place, scenes jumped and several times I had no idea what’s going on. However, I really enjoyed the characters, they became more interesting as the story progressed. I thought it was hilarious that Batwomanis a Jewish lesbian which gives her plenty of reasons to hate the Nazis even more (among the plethora of reasons to hate them even if you’re neither).

The artwork was, again, ranged from excellent to just OK. I thought when the artists embraced the whole World War II cheesecake style it worked the best, but some pages were either rushed, or just totally missed the concept.

Overall I really enjoyed this series, it was a unique look at the DC superheroines with some social commentary thrown into the mix. I always appreciate reading these kind of stories, outside the main time line and narrative, which make me think outside the box.


World War II is becoming larger and the heroines find themselves fighting across the globe, while protecting the home front. Wonder Woman faces the undead in Greece, Stargirl and Supergirl are in London following a family secret.

Mera of Atlantis finds that she can’t control everything in the sea, while Zatanna uses her powers to fight evil magic. Batwoman has been caught by Lex Luthor and the Nazis, but no need to worry.

Buy Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies from*
More Books by Marguerite Bennett*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this graphic novel from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Bombshells, Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett

Bombshells Vol 2 Allies By Marguerite Bennett

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