Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted by Marguerite Bennett (illustrated by Marguerite Sauvage, Ming Doyle, Laura Braga, Maria Laura Sanapo, Marc Deering, Stephen Mooney, Ted Naifeh, Garry Brown, Mirka Andolfo, Bilquis Evely, and Sandy Jarrell) is a graphic novel from DC Comics imagining the DC Super heroines as World War II era champions. This graphic novel collects Bombshells #1 – 6.
- 200 pages
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1401261329
My rating for Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted –4
BuyBombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted from Amazon.com*
More Books by Marguerite Bennett*
This book seemed right up my alley, a reimagined adventure taking place in the World War II era. Right in the beginning I loved what the creators did with the characters.
The graphic novel Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted by Marguerite Bennett (illustrated by Marguerite Sauvage, Ming Doyle, Laura Braga, Maria Laura Sanapo, Marc Deering, Stephen Mooney, Ted Naifeh, Garry Brown, Mirka Andolfo, Bilquis Evely, and Sandy Jarrell) started off great, but fell off soon after. The story is fine, but I don’t understand why Ms. Bennett needed monsters when the Bombshells are fighting Nazis, the most atrocious monsters off all (and many villains in comics were modeled on).
I thought the illustrations were all over the place, as you can plainly see, many artists worked on it and it shows – but not necessarily in a good way. The art varied, sometimes within each issue, which bothered me. Not being 100% consistent from issue to issue I can deal with, but within the same issue just made my eyes itch.
The reimagining of the Bombshells worked for the most part, Batwoman was great, but Diana was just the same old Wonder Woman we all remember.
Constantine as a rabbit though, now that’s something.
World War II is in full fighting mode all across Europe, the Allies call the mighty women heroines to come to their aid. These idols include Kate Kane (all American Batwoman), Diana of Themyscira, Mera of Atlantis as well as the defenders of Russia Kara Starikov (Supergirl) and Kortni Duginovna (Startgirl).
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I borrowed this graphic novel from a friend.
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account

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